It's strange: almost everyone I know is incredibly stupid. Really! But who says I should talk about them? They're all insignificants in my plan to take over the world! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!(plus next school year, i won't know any of them! i'm going to a school where there might be other smart kids)  Don't mind that, it's just my plans for the future. Right now you're all safe. No, really. I won't destroy you for another 10 or 15 years at least. Anyone here like moogles? Oh well, I don't particularly care if you do, because I do. And if I decide not to destroy you when I destroy the world, you should not only feel honored, but you should always remember that moogles are superior. Otherwise, "Bye-bye!"
PS: This site is still under construction, so some of the links may not work.